Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Capping Benefits.

Yes - I agree with 'caps'.

 Like caps on utility bills for state pensioners, some of whom will die (again) this winter from malnutrition or hypothermia. Caps on the incomes of the top 100 CEO's in the UK who earn an average of £4.8 million per annum. Caps on bankers salaries and bonuses but, strangely, no cap on the time they should spend in prison. Caps on tax havens where the rich and super rich can avoid paying any taxes at all. Caps on the number of jobs we can export to China where 'a dollar a day' prison labour is used that puts our people on the dole in the first place. Caps on the amount of money spent on wars in the name of democracy when it's really about oil. Caps on the number of our kids, and of course, their subsequent deaths when we send them to fight those wars based purely on deceit and propaganda like the 'weapons of mass destruction' lie we were deliberately fed. Caps on public money spent on arms manufacture and their sales to regimes that commit genocide. Caps on the amount of money this government can withdraw from the disabled, the poor, the young and the old. Caps on the number of homeless people living on the streets for lack of a bed. Caps on the mentally ill living under bridges and on park benches for lack of places in hospitals. Caps on starving the NHS of enough money and resources to provide the service it exists to offer. 

Yes - good things are caps are they not? Or at least perhaps they could be eh?