Thursday, 7 August 2014

Let's not get carried away here.

The Baroness Warsi.

I applaud her courage and display of integrity. Her principled stance is commendable and has sparked some useful debate within the government and Tory Party - indeed within the country. Her stand on the Gaza massacres marks her out as a Tory with a heart. An extremely rare animal indeed. She has done far more than many others who are wringing their hands and making muted protest or shedding crocodile tears such as that great champion of human rites, Nick Clegg. Well done girl! It was the right thing to do, but.....................

Is this the very same Baroness Warsi that I have seen on Question Time defending the austerity measures imposed by a government of millionaires? Is this the same Tory Party member and life Peer who has defended and spoken in favour of; The Bedroom Tax?; sanctioning benefit claimants?; whipping the unemployed into zero hour contracts?; workfare?; cuts to this and cuts to that? (Only for the poor, the disadvantaged, and the vulnerable of course!) Is this the same Baroness Warsi?

I started this blog by raising her sleeves and patting her on the back for her reaction to Cameron's inaction. However, where was she when the DWP confirmed that in 2011 no less than 10,600 people on Disability Benefits died, and many by their own hand, when their legitimately claimed benefits were reduced and/or removed completely? Maybe not as many dead as due to the pogrom being pursued by the Israeli's in Gaza but a significant number of people none the less, and all living under her government's cruel regime. Where was she when the Work Capability Assessment carried out by a darling of the Tory Party machine - Atos, was finding people who were terminally ill 'fit for work'? Not just once or twice but multiple times. People that died within weeks if not days of that lunatic decision?

I could go on and on and on and on, but you'd get bored and you know exactly what I'm getting at anyway. 

Honesty; integrity; empathy; sympathy; and indeed just about every positive human emotion is usually for sale with a Tory. Remember 'Cash for Questions'? or 'Peerages for Sale' (which is still happening); or 'Expenses Scandals'?; or Maria Miller MP?; and so many more shady if not downright criminal behaviours? I look around the government benches and wonder how many of them have portraits up in their attics.

So let's not go overboard eh? What she has done is good and right, but please keep in mind she is a Tory with all the negative connotations that implies and that are displayed daily by people that are still her party friends and close colleagues. Leopards simply don't change their spots.