Tuesday 5 June 2012

The Undeserving Poor.

Never ceases to irritate when someone who has never experienced 'austerity' themselves preach and push the gospel of austerity to others.

In concert with that how can it be that those who are entrusted with government can fail to understand even the simplest of concepts when it comes to economics? How is it that they simply cannot understand the difference between a household budget and a macro economy.

Why is credence given over to millionaire 'venture capitalists' in who's interest it is to transfer money from the lower strata of the economy to the upper strata - which, of course, includes him? And at the same time so little credence is given to people who have ready made 'off the shelf' solutions to the problem at hand?

Paul Krugman has much to say and offers that solution (it's Keynesian by the way) and in all instances where it has been applied it has actually worked. So why not apply it?

Answer - because it suits them. It offers a golden opportunity to push along an ideology. That is that the 'undeserving poor' should be made to suffer because of their inherent laziness and sub-prime humanity. They are not real people. Much like any enemy they are dehumanised and made to look and feel that they are of a different sub-species. The inbuilt and abiding attitude is that 'they' are the scum of the earth whilst 'we' are the cream of the crop and if less money was spent on things like health care and benefits when we throw them out of work there would/will be far more for us. An economy awash with millionaires at one end and the poverty stricken at the other is, for them, not only the natural order of things but something that should be actively pursued. 

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