Sunday 9 August 2015

The Last Chance for Labour?

  • It’s no surprise to me that almost all Labour MPs do not oppose the Tory cuts in the Westminster parliament. Don’t forget it was the Labour Party when last in government who started privatising the NHS, who doubled the tax rate on the poorest paid, and who spent billions bailing out the London bankers.

    That's because they're not the Labour Party. The Labour Party was high-jacked NOT by 'Militant Tendency', or by 'Trotsky entryists'; or by 'Morons on the left', but by right wing Tory mimics who think Margaret Thatcher was a goddess and who accept without question the neo-liberal agenda that is doing so much damage to ordinary people everywhere. Look only to Greece. It's coming here soon.

    What a message the Labour Party has been putting out lately when they say; "without power then we can do nothing". (No shit Sherlock?!) The underlying message of course is that "we will do anything, say anything, promise anything, and become 'shape changers' in any way you want us to in order to gain power and then do what we want when in power." Brilliant innit? Nothing like an attempt to deceive voiced out loud eh?

    It is this 'gain the centre ground' (which is continuously moving to the right) madness that they seem hell bent on trying to capture. But unfortunately for Mandleson and Blair et al they can't because, as Harry Truman said; "Give the people a straight choice between a Republican and an imitation Republican and they will choose the true Republican every time." For 'Republican' read 'Tory' of course. 

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and the Labour Party needs to recognise that that is what they are about. They flatter the Tories daily if it is only by abstaining on proposals aimed at sucking the poor dry for the benefit of the rich. Trying to outdo a Tory on their own ground is like trying to dive deeper than a whale without oxygen. Problem is they simply don't see it let alone recognise the futility of the exercise.

    It's about time they realised that it's not their core supporters that have moved away from them but the complete opposite - they have moved away from their core supporters. No-one abandoned is at their happiest and there's always a backlash. People want their Labour Party back from those that stole it away from them. Look only to the number of CLP's supporting Jeremy Corbyn and the incredible and increasing support he's getting everywhere he goes. That the other Leadership Candidates should get the same eh? But nowhere near. 

  • A sparkling example is that he has just reached £100,000 from crowd funding alone. Thus when 5 of the big (read that as "rich") donators to the Labour Party say they will stop giving money if he wins then so what? The Labour Party was funded totally by public subscription and Trades Union contributions generations before these people came along. It did ok then did it not?

  • If there was one single thing that the Labour Party of old offered it was 'hope'. Jeremy Corbyn for right or wrong offers that in abundance. That's all they have to do is look to the SNP and their incredible victory in the recent General Election. The SNP Manifesto (and I've read it) could have been written by Michael Foot in 1983. The people may not have been ready for it then but they are now. 

    Unfortunately, if Corbyn doesn't win on first ballot then it's over. The second ballot will be rigged against him in any way they can. (In fact, let's face it, they are already trying to rig the first ballot.) And I wouldn't mind betting that the CLP's who have given him their initial support will have already been 'briefed' on what they 'should do' if it goes to a second. Believe me, after 16/17 years a Labour Party member (resigned 1999) I know how the system works. 

    The irony is of course is that this 'new' system of leadership election was formulated and imposed by the Blairites and the right wing of the Labour Party (shouldn't that be an oxymoron? - "right wing of the Labour Party"?) but because the threatened outcome doesn't suit them they are suddenly running around calling "foul". The smouldering hypocrisy is choking me if no-one else. Hoisted on their own petard comes to mind.

    Go go Corbyn.

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