Sunday, 22 April 2012

Cwn Taf Health Authority - What the hell is going on?

As a result of a FOI Act request I sent in to Cwm Taff Health Board I have found out that they recently spent £13,500 (of public money) on a 'trip' to Dubai to try to recruit nurses and doctors to work in the MIU's in Cynon and the Rhondda. It doesn't stop there though. A fee of 20% of the first year's salaries of any Doctors recruited are to be paid to an agency. The final bill will be astronomical. 

Both Minor Injury Units in Cynon and the Rhondda were closed recently through lack of trained staff. Human Resource Planning which has the basic function of training staff for 'stock' (so they are already in place and properly trained when needed), seems to be beyond them.

In a recent article in The Guardian it's estimated that the NHS is going to 'lose' (a nice little sanitizing term for making nurses unemployed) 50,000 properly trained staff over the next few years. So we spend money going abroad to find staff when we could and should be spending that time, money and effort on training our own people who are about to be thrown out of a job. It's disgraceful. Just click on the link below to see what's happening to our own.

1 comment:

  1. and we have nurses out of work and some having to work 3 hospitals cos they cannot get a full time job
