Thursday, 15 September 2016

Let's be forgiving in nature and idiots in life.

As much as I am a Jeremy Corbyn supporter (and I most definitely am), and although I know he is trying so very hard to promote a "new kind of politics" (because he says so and he always means what he says), and although I have the greatest respect for him and his 'new way' I have to differ with him on topics like turning the other cheek. 

Those openly opposing JC from within the LP have, right from the start, colluded together with evil intent and behind the scenes with the insidious old guard like Mandelson, McTernan, Kinnock, Blair and Campbell in a malevolent spirit of "get him at all costs" (JC). They will NEVER be his allies and will carry their opposition and even hatred to their graves. I've never seen anyone filled to the brim with more acid and hatred than John McTernan. He must be at an internal combustion point most days. 

Anyway for me it's not the left wing 'Entryists' and those that are trying to reclaim the LP that are the problem and 'the enemy within'. It is Blue Labour and all they stand for. They are members, some founder members, of that imitation careerist filled Tory Party that has lost the LP five million votes between 1997 and 2010 and pushed us out in to the political waste ground. Harry Truman said it all; "If you give the people a choice between an imitation conservative and a real conservative they'll choose the real conservative every time." And that's why we are where we are today - not because of JC. It's squarely because of them and their ilk. 

Now the Chicken Coup members desperately want a return to that state of imitation. a kind of 'safe house' for them; for what they truly believe in, and obviously what  they hold so very dear - that is being 'Tory Lite'. A deep and abiding belief in neoliberalism and its vigorous application but with softer words and a smiley face. 

Their behaviour has been abysmal, insulting, painful, damaging, undemocratic, unnecessary and unwarranted. They need to be dealt with as severely as they have dealt with JC and us lot via their malevolent creation; 'The Great Purge' (both Episode 1 and currently Episode 2). 

However, it's not revenge that drives me - it's practicality. Let them off and they will just wait in the wings to strike again at another time but with sharper knives. If anyone thinks they will give up and simply go away then please forget it because they won't. When has that happened so far? What day was that on? They will just go underground and emerge again in the near future. As much as some think and wish it were true, we do not live in 'Pink Fluffy Bunny Land' and there are those that really should make a mammoth attempt to remove their rose tinted glasses and try as hard as they can to overcome their inbuilt but unfounded faith based narrative of "but they are lovely people really" forgiveness mode. "By your actions you are known" - and their actions have been disgraceful bringing nothing but negative outcomes to all. Them included actually. But maybe that's for the future too.

Mark these words - if a spirit of 'forgive them for they know not what they do' does finally reign then we will, without doubt, end up with the outcome of another very relevant whiff of sagacity; "Those who cannot learn from history are destined to repeat it." (George Santayana.) 

Want to go through this again? No - nor me! 


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