Monday 21 November 2011


There's an awful lot of criticism surrounding the world-wide Occupy movement. Why? 

The Occupy people here in the UK or America and everywhere else are showing enormous and commendable courage and, for me, a glimmer of hope. They don't camp out in the cold and the rain and take the action they are taking for fun. They are brutalised, mocked, ridiculed and even accused of the most terrible crimes. All of it grown out of nonsense and sometimes hatred. May their gods bless them. They are fighting for us all.

I tend to take a swing back in time. The same as anyone who is politically active; in some way or another and at one time or another, years ago I decided one day that enough was enough. These Occupy'ers are no different. I may have taken different and more personally suitable action but that doesn't legitimise my way forward and shouldn't damn theirs. 

In the 70's & beyond, (especially during the Thatcher tyranny) I was out on the streets both as a union member and as someone who was simply pissed off protesting against what I saw as 'in your face' injustice. The only thing different here is that they are a constant presence and prick to the collective conscience since don't go home at the end of the shift. 

Personally I'm really glad they exist and all power to them. We need protest because if we don't have it our 'leaders' will march us straight in to hell. 


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