With easy access to alternatives and to reality via the internet rather than the propaganda that they've force fed people for centuries then I think it's time has just about come. I sincerely hope so anyway.
Social media is packed full of anger, frustration, and daily justified rants from credible, even unimpeachable sources about rising inequality and the oppression of the poor world-wide. Easy access to increasingly hungry mass markets for people like Robert Reich and his video 'Inequality for All'; or Woody Harrelson's documentary on youtube, 'Ethos' and many more are beginning to stir even the sleepiest. It's a growing hunger for truth and alternatives that the people in power do not want but can't really stop. The Genie is out of the bottle as it's said.
Instead they are now beginning to go down the 1984 route predicted by Orwell. I always thought it was a warning of possible horrors to come but (especially) this government and the American political elite seem to see it as a service manual.
Snooping on the citizenry; water cannons at the ready in London purely to suppress the civil unrest to come; police brutality; CCTV on every corner watching your every moment and movement outside your home; location information on your mobile; and so much more designed to keep us in line and on message. The fabrication of 'terrorists' and 'threats to our national security' all around us to worry us continuously and constantly be at war with. People living in fear and under the gaze of security services are far easier to control. Why not a war on poverty and inequality eh? Or on individual and corporate tax dodgers or famine or disease?
But people are beginning to ask "why not?" and the thinly veiled synthetic replies and excuses that have worked so well in the past are not working as well any more. The ruling elite and their plutocratic governments are slowly losing ground and I firmly believe that's why there is such a huge rush on their part to transfer as much from the poor to the rich as possible before it crumbles and dies. I just hope to live long enough to attend the funeral but I doubt it.
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