Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Deception.

Y'know people on their blogs, on FB, Twitter and everywhere 'social media' keep posting that this government, and especially George Osborne are stupid, or blind, or that they just cannot see the folly of their ways as far as austerity is concerned. This seems always to be based on the premis that austerity doesn't work. Hmmmm!

Well actually - it does! And it works very well, but when the excuses above are applied it can be made to look as if it's all just a bit of an unfortunate mistake, a bit of an error, a slip of the pen, and can therefore be put down to incompetence and/or ignorance. It isn't! This government is one of the most competent and determined in many a generation. Stick with me.

In just four short years, they have managed to shift enormous amounts of money (£Billions actually) from the pockets of the poor to the pockets of the rich. They have, and are, daily it seems, forcing poor people in to abject poverty; beggary; indigence; and even to deaths' door. At the same time the UK has seen an increase in riches for the top 10% in the £Billions, and it's multiplying. We now have more Millionaires and Billionaires per square mile than ever before in our history. More Ferraris are imported to the richest parts of the UK now than any other country world-wide and Rolls Royce has just announced an increase of 33% in orders for the UK market alone. Multi-Million pound homes in London have queues out through the doors to buy them and yacht sales at the upper end of the market (£2 million+) have never been so good, as it is with private aircraft in the form of luxury small jets. Incompetent?! Mistaken?! Stupid?! Misguided?! Please let's think again eh?

Whilst more than a million people are forced to use Food Banks daily; when 300,000 children live in absolute poverty and even more in comparative poverty; when 10,600 disabled people died within six weeks of having their benefits stopped in 2010/11; when every year older people die (around 30,000 per year) in their own homes from a combination of malnutrition and the inability to heat that home; when benefit sanctioning numbers are going stratospheric and people are left with absolutely nothing to live on; when children are setting up Food Banks in their own schools to feed their mates coming to school (and going home) hungry; when homelessness has seen an increase unknown since records began; all through this the rich sit on golden thrones raking it in and living a life of luxury. Don't believe me? Check it all out - the information is freely available, and it's not even hard to find.

So what to do? OK, first things first, let's get rid of the ConDems. But please nobody fool themselves by thinking the Labour Party 2014 is anything like the Labour Party 1944. They are most definitely not and have been following and voting in favour of the Tory agenda ever since they lost the last election. They are becoming a brighter shade of blue every day. They were once the political party of hope. It's hope that they buried along with their founding principles many years ago. Now they just look the best of the worst.

In my opinion this UK of ours is in dire and absolute need of a new political agenda - and it looks as if that means a new political party. One that actually addresses the needs and wants of the public in the majority instead of slavishly following the neo-liberal lunacy of 'trickle down economics' (if you give the rich enough they'll give some back - yeah right!), which has been a 30 year plus Reagonomic experiment that has proven itself to be a total failure for everyone except the rich.

Anyway, let's please dispel this myth that this ConDem government is "incompetent" or "misguided" or "stupid" or indeed anything that excuses their deliberate, and very successful attempts to asset-strip the poor for the benefit of the rich.


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